Friday, July 25, 2014

How to make a drum with recycled container/cans

The idea of making the drum came to my mind days back when I saw Avaneesh drumming on a can. The can looked perfect for a drum for my little drummer boy. I do daily creative afternoon activities with him and this seemed to be perfect activity to be done with a 2 year old. I used a empty container which is of perfect size for little drummer hands

Avaneesh was very excited when I told him that we are going to make a drum today. I cut shapes out of paper for the top part and the designs on the sides of the drum. I do all the cutting work in front of Avaneesh so that he understand the entire process of making it as well. His creativity will increase more this way. I asked him which colors he want to paint the triangular pattern with to which he said red. So he painted it red , the top part with blue and the border strips with orange. Then are all the pieces drying in the balcony. I take this opportunity to talk with him about the sun's heat and how the painting dries up so fast outside instead of inside.

We glued two white papers around the can.  My son enjoyed spreading the glue on the paper and the can. Then he helped me glue the designs around the can. We glued some paper to the dowels. This is how it looks like and..

There he is my little drummer. It is a big hit with him. 

In case you want to try making this drum with your little one, the only things you will need are a can to be recycled, dowels/ chopsticks, water/poster color paints, paper, glue and scissors.

Joining party at crafty catz, crafty allie !

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Jac’s Playground said...

Fabulous drum looks like a lot of fun was had from start yo finish, thanks for joining us at Crafty Catz this week, Jac x

Unknown said...

How cool is this! it's so nice that you include your child with your projects. i bet it was fun for both of you ;) Thank you for sharing it with us at Crafty Catz! Ingrid x

Purnima@a creative project said...

Thanks Jac and Ingrid!! I always involve my son in creative projects .. it makes it more fun and learning as well!! I most of the time take pics of start to finish so I can put in the daily mommy journal I write..when I am old I would love to read that journal:)
