Thursday, July 31, 2014

Magnetic play clock

Avaneesh has been interested in wrist watches(especially expensive ones..sigh) and clocks( very big and pretty ones) since he was a little baby. I thought I can start teaching about how to read them as well. All the clocks/watches we own have either roman numbers or none. So I thought I will make a easy to read and play magnetic clock for him.

I used the things I had on hand- magnetic sheet, paper, pens and glue. 
I had a magnet sheet from some useless advert. I decided to put the sheet to better use. I cut a circle from paper and wrote the numbers on it. I glued this page to the magnet sheet. I cut two arrows from the remaining sheet and glued paper on sheet. Made some design on it to make it look attractive for the little guy. The arrows stick to the clock well which keeps it together even if he carries it around. Additionally he finds it fun to remove and fix them again in another position.

Still a long way to go but at least he has started learning the basic things about reading a clock like how many numbers, hands, which number is it pointing to etc 

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