Saturday, May 3, 2014

On my table

I am not a food photographer but these luscious, delicious, juicy, sweet cherries where screaming to be photographed. I thought I should take a picture of them before we devoured them!! 

These juicy, yummilicious strawberries ...divine .. just cannot get enough of them!!

Summer is the time for ice cream..Another excuse for digging into the selection of ice creams available in the market. This one was rich, creamy, sweet and tangy mango flavored.

Summer is the perfect time for fresh fruits, ice creams and anything everything that you can make with it!! Enjoy them while they last!!

Images taken by me @ home.

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Harini said...

Lovely pics,first time here and I amazed I should say.Stop by at my space when you find a moment :)

Reshma at said...

Great clicks! And yup! The Mango selection is great! Its still brrr where I live so enjoy your treats!
