Friday, March 3, 2023

Sunshine corner

 Winter is the time when we appreciate the sunshine. Tired of sweating, and sweltering heat in summer when autumn comes we start to anticipate winter. I always say I want to feel so cold that I will long for summer. We all like something when that item is scarce. It becomes special and desirable. It's human nature. When this corner in my living room lit up with sunshine, it looked magical. I imagined my plants gleefully soaking in all the sunshine they can get. Store it, save it and use the nutrients later when needed. I did the same. I saved these memories to view them when it gets too gloomy during winter.

I imagined my plants gleefully soaking in all the sunshine they can get. Store it, save it and use the nutrients later when needed. I did the same. I saved these memories to view them when it gets too gloomy during winter.

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