{ About me }

Hi Friends!! Welcome to my page. My name is Purnima. A little bit about myself. 

The easiest way to describe me is that I am a global Indian.
 We have moved from India to Sydney- Australia, Zurich- Switzerland -Singapore -Dubai, and now to Hong Kong. 
I live in Hong Kong with my husband, son, and dog. 

 My home is a huge melody of pieces we have curated from all the countries we have been to. Each item has a story behind it. Each item sparks a lot of memories all the time. I have to admit over the years having a son who plays cricket inside the home and a dog who likes to chew anything he gets his paws on has changed the way I decorate my home. 

What do I do?

I create and make educational and creative material to stimulate children's minds and encourage creativity in them.
 I write books and articles about children's mental health and parenting. 
You can visit my website: 
I am an illustrator. 
Visit my Instagram to see my art: 

What is this blog about?

A creative project is a lifestyle blog devoted to sharing global seasonal and festive interior decorating inspirations, table arrangements, themed party/table decor, travel destinations, occasional recipes, gift guides, and do-it-yourselves projects with tutorials. You will find table decor ideas and inspirations, my artwork, and travel stories. I share craft projects with tutorials of the projects I do with my child.

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