Sunday, June 8, 2014

Fathers day greeting card

Fathers day is coming up soon. So my son and I got busy making something handmade for his Daddy. 

I have been pondering over this topic quite some time.what would be the best gift by a 28 month old. I wanted something Avaneesh can understand and love making. So I thought of a slogan' Daddy you are my star'. Avaneesh loves stars and planets. He is always singing twinkle twinkle little star. So this theme works in many ways. I cut shapes of stars out of a card stock. First he painted the stars yellow. Once done he started painting the background. I gave him blue watercolors. He painted the paper with layers of color. Avaneesh placed the star on the wet color. I let it dry.

Coincidentally he had placed the big star and other smaller star near each other.This gave me the idea of making a Daddy star and baby star. Initially I had thought of making only Daddy star. He glued googly eyes on the stars. I drew the smile on their 'faces'. 

I wrote the message inside. Avaneesh who is just learning to write. He can write a few odd shaped alphabets which include M, D and so. I told him to make a D on the card. 
when Daddy came home he gave to him saying " Look I made a Daddy star and a Baby star" Daddy loved it very much. He was very touched. 

What are your plans for Fathers day?

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