Saturday, August 9, 2014

Beautiful summer in London

We recently came back from a beautiful month long holiday in London. The summer in London is glorious..clear blue skies, pleasant air, lovely people, parks, greenery and so many things to do with kids. So much better than the scorching unbearable heat in Dubai. 

This time we decided not to take any camera other than the ones in the mobile phones. The basic idea was to just chill, relax and enjoy the time with family instead of posing with superficial smiles and expressions for the camera apart from the fact that we have been there before. But for Avaneesh this was first time. We wanted to see London from his eyes. The idea was to make 'real' memories. We did take few pictures for my daily journal(my other secret mommy blog:))

I am so happy that we made that effort and succeeded..We would just go to Hyde park , Regent park, Greenwich park or any kid friendly place and just lay there watching the birds and squirrels and our son playing with pigeons. All places in London were educational and fun for him. Some I would recommend for a 2 year old would be ( within London) - the London zoo, London bridge, aquarium, Greenwich planetarium, transport museum , London eye, National museum and the big bookstores are some of the must-see. Once outdoors we talked about everything which was different from life in Dubai. The different plants, flowers, post boxes, telephone booths, shape of taxis and buses, statues, doors, carvings, rain and even puddles, how all these happen/ work and what they are made, which nursery rhythm/story is linked to it etc. Basically I want him to observe small details, learn and enjoy. I think it worked. 

That's my idea of perfect holiday- just me and my family. I love seeing the world from my 2 year-old s eyes. It makes me feel like being a kid one more time. 

Linking to TT!!

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Anonymous said...

Sounds lovely! It's been such a beautiful summer in London this year :)

Camila said...

It's so sweet that you went around London with your son like that! Sometimes going without a camera makes you see the city with such a different eye! It makes you appreciate it more, doesn't it?

Robert said...

I'm glad you enjoyed your time in London! When you live here it's pretty easy to forget what a wonderful city it is, so it's always interesting to see it from somebody else's perspective.

Jessi (Two Feet, One World) said...

I love the idea of just taking camera phones and focusing on the experience with your son - sounds like a lovely relaxed trip.

Purnima@a creative project said...

Thanks jessi,Robert,Camia, Clemandmarcella!! The weather being beautiful I didn't have to worry about my son getting cold or hot. I loved the beautifu parks.. In most parts of the world such beautiful and big parks are free.. Only seen in London!!
