
Tuesday, February 12, 2013

My baby's first birthday party

My son's first birthday happened a few days after we landed in Dubai.  Baby and I both fell sick with flu and cold apart from the relocation jitters. But I was determined to give my son the best possible first birthday I would possibly can. As you all know I had made the decorations in Hong Kong and brought them with me in a box like precious treasures.  I had planned the entire day in Hong Kong . The night before my baby's birthday at night even though I was drowsy because of the medicine and really tired and jet lagged I pushed myself to complete the decorations. The aim was that later in life I don't want to fell guilty that I didn't do my best on my baby's first birthday. and I am glad I did all I could do..

Currently we are living in a serviced apartment.. So I don't have control over the furniture and furnishings.. I hanged the transportation bunting .. He loves red cars, trucks and buses ..This is even today a big hit with him.. I am planning to put the printable in my etsy shop soon..A perfect for little watch this space..

Another one..hanging over the TV panel..

He loved the racing car bunting as well... He has fascination for the car I had made these ferrari wheels patterns.. I am so glad that my hardwork paid off...

                                              The three of them hanging side by side..

The cake I was made to order.. I found this lovely cake shop in Dubai on Facebook.. I had researched many cake shops in Dubai when in HongKong.. I wanted a red car on the cake..None of the cakes in any cakeshop in Dubai came any close to this one.Some had plastic ( so tacky) car on the cake..some said they would make the car out of cornflakes and just cover them with fondant.. Finally I found a cake shop(thanks to Facebook) who made the car with fondant ..looks perfectly like the real one..on the Mcqueen theme and it was decorated so beautifully with tiny tires..stonesetc all made of fondant..I customized the decorations,size and lettering all via email..

Sugarholics is the name of the cake shop in Dubai. I ordered the cake on the evening before his birthday.. So that I could surprise him in the morning..oh his expression and reaction was priceless..We all gobbled the yummy base cake ..It was a red velvet cake( red being his favorite color) with vanilla cream frosting..

I had made some table decorations..He loves flowers as well.. so I had bought a bouquet and placed in a formula can which I decorated with paper and ribbon. Then fixed some race flags, signals, car wheel and  I had made earlier in his food jars..

The car and wheel designs I made earlier fixed on skewers..I made one Mickey mouse one as well as he loves Mickey Mouse..It is in the flowers bouquet..

 I also had booked a professional photographer for a family photo shoot in the evening..This lady aslo I found via Facebook..I had booked her when in HongKong. And so glad as the photos have come out gorgeous..special memories of the day..

Then we went out for a early dinner at the Dubai Mall which is just across the road ..The baby eat his favorite stir fried broccoli.. As a mom it makes me very happy that he likes broccoli ..a lot!!

A beautiful day indeed.. 
 Later in the evening before he went to bed I took his hand print in air dry clay..took it many days to dry.. Once we move into our own pad I hope to frame it along with his one year photos..


  1. How lovely it all looked! You and baby Must have had a gret time. Hope you are both well now to enjoy the rest of this wonderful year. Happy days to all of you

  2. Wow...beautiful decorations and hand made.....a very happy birthday to your son and best wishes....

  3. Cars! I loved that kiddie movie so much and it sure seems like it's a great theme for your kid's party!

  4. This is very nice and amazing and great decoration of you baby birthday....


  5. lovely decor... being a party stylist I can certainly say any party where mom goes and do everything else is just what your child will love once they grow up!...... no fancy thing can win heart than a craing and loving little things you do :)!

    And yes, Fb is a powerful tool, indeed i found you through it :)

    Do visit me @



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