
Thursday, February 7, 2013

Discovering Dubai

Hello friends.. How are you all doing? Its been quite a while since I posted here.. Its been some 10-12 odd days since we moved to Dubai from Hong Kong. I must say this change was initially very challenging for me. But now I am adjusting well.. Both baby and I fell sick since I had not anticipated that winter would be chilly here.. 

Now that we are both doing fine.. Baby and I go for long walks discovering step at a time..

I am in love with the beautiful lamps,lanterns and light fixtures here..

 I took lots of pictures in Souk in Dubai..Souk or Souq which is an open-air marketplace or commercial quarter in an Arabic..
Had a hard time just choosing a few.. 

Enjoy the pictures..

All images taken by me at the Dubai mall.


  1. Hey Purnima, what a beautiful coincidence...I am moving to Dubai really soon :)) We have to catch up! Best wishes to you and your little one ..get well soon. And lots of luck for your new life at Dubai

  2. That's quite positive! You are going good and in no time adjust completely! No call from you? Did you get your new number? As soon as the kids exams are done we'll meet again.:-)


Hi there..Go ahead drop a note..I would love to hear from you..:)