
Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Thomas and friends crafts- Thomas with recycled box- DIY tutorial

My son Avanesh's ongoing phase is of Thomas and his friends like most 
of the 2 year olds. Hence we are doing lots of Thomas and friends related craft and art projects. I have shared one already you can see it here.This one is a part of the series.In our afternoon creative activity we made a model of Thomas using recycled  cardboard boxes and paper. 

This is how we made it. 
You will need empty boxes - one long and wide, one half its size and one very small 
Blue, black , red  card stock
Felt to make the funnel
Thomas's face 
pens, scissors ,glue

First we hunted  around the  house for  empty boxes which will fit perfectly. With the exact construction plan in my mind I arranged  the boxes accordingly to show how we are going to make it. I highly recommend talking to your child about how, why and what to do to construct something. This way the kids can develop curiosity, analysis and creativity.  I involve Avaneesh in everything- cooking, painting,  decor projects - everything creative.

I  cut the paper telling him to remember which part it belongs to. We got to work to glue everything together. Avaneesh helped me glue. We covered the blue paper to the big box. Then the small perfume box to bottom so that the wheels won't bend and it still looks/feels as if it is  running on wheels. 

After gluing the wheels it was hard to keep him away from the model. I  somehow managed to glue the funnel and face to the train. He made a siren from the old glue stick part. I drew the patterns of Thomas on the model train. Some cotton went in the funnel to 'create' smoke. 

Joining Calling all crafters, DIY ers ,Too cute, Crafty Mom share !!


  1. Brilliant! You should be a home-schooling mom! :)

  2. Sharon he is only 2. So not going to school yet.. No such plans in future as well:))


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