
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Feather- Ink on watercolor paper

 I had shared the progress of this painting months back on Facebook .. If you have liked it you have already seen it. What not yet?!! You should.. ;; Haha!! For those who haven't yet I will share with you today. 

This inspiration came to me one night after my little one went to sleep. I had to draw it otherwise I couldn't sleep.I eventually   finished it. It is colorful feather- ink on watercolor paper. 

Image taken by@home. Subject to copyright. If you like it so much you can buy it from me. 


  1. Wow, it appears simple, but there's much intricacy happening! Love it Purnima.

    Long time, thanks for dropping by and I've to catch up here too!

  2. Thanks Ambika!! Same here!! Have to catch up with you, your blog as well!!


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