
Friday, August 30, 2013

Book review: Calling Mrs Christmas by Carole Matthews

I picked this book instantly when I read its name.. "Calling Mrs Christmas" authored by Carole Matthews - who is known for her heart warming books catching the true spirit of Christmas - put me in Christmas holiday mood (in August:))that very moment. Every time I picked that book to read in my mind I could hear jingle bells and felt like it is snowing..

It is a story of romance, love, relationship beautifully intervened by passion of the three main characters amazing careers, passion for their work. The heart warming story with its twists and turns, festive cheer captures the real spirit of the festive season.

All the characters are warm, real, lovable with interesting, unusual careers - a Christmas planner, a prison officer of a young offenders unit and a self made successful and multimillionaire businessman. The characters seem genuine and interesting with their real-life like good personalities with flaws- not the mushy types.

 The author has made use of events or things in real life as a back drop in the story. I could recognize and relate to the events or happening in the story .. for eg: the advertisements playing on TV during Christmas or the locations, learning Christmas craft, cooking and decor skills from you tube videos etc. 

The theme of the story of unemployed frustrated women who turns into a ' successful' entrepreneur by following her passion makes it so interesting. I love such zero to hero stories. To me  felt like a story of any successful etsy shop owner or a blogger turned entrepreneur. The author has described in details how she does it making it even more interesting and make believe. 

One chapter takes us on a success ride of Cassie's dream career as a Christmas planner and then the next chapter takes to the realistic, hard and sometimes miserable career of her boyfriend Jack. And then there is the glitzy glam life of the millionaire Carter. The chapters about the stunning, breathtaking beauty of Lapland with all its splendor and luxuries makes me want to visit Lapland one day. 

I must add that Carole makes Jack's job interesting as well with true to life details and somewhat heart breaking struggles at the Young offenders unit. It sort of balances the story because then the story does not get sugary, dreamy, happy- happy, perfect life which could have been boring. 

The narration is beautifully simple, a easy read, something the reader can relate to. It has a consistent flow which kept me engrossed till the end. It is definitely a must read. 

All images taken by me@home. Subject to copyright!


  1. I am a Christmas story/book fanatic! Thanks for the review. I will look for it for my Kindle!!!
    xoxo- Julie

  2. Thanks!! It is a fantastic book!! I am sure you will like it as well!!


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