
Monday, August 19, 2013

Alpine village in Bavaria, Germany

A few years back when we lived in Switzerland, tired of going to the touristy destinations we decided to just drive wherever the road took us..Driving through beautiful scenic roads we drove into neighboring Germany.  We drove to the Bavarian region which is known for its splendid beauty, charming cafes and hotels, picturesque villages. It is aptly  known as a romantic road where there are many hidden beautiful places.. Through the country side twisting and turning roads took us to a extraordinary beautiful village hidden in thick green forest surrounded by mountains!!! The village was made of probably 3 lanes and 15-20 odd chalets out of which some where turned into hotels and restaurants.

The beauty of the this village were the 50-80 years old chalets which were adorned with stunning beautiful paintings which showed the life there..Names of the shops or the restaurants were painted like the one in the above picture..Most women we saw wore traditional Bavarian dress.. many men were dressed traditionally as well! 

This painting is not about just a imaginary feast or based on a age old theme.... The scene in this place in the evening is like this almost every evening!!

 We stayed there overnight.That day Germany had won in the Euro football match Semi Final in the evening every one was celebrating ..So the people set up tables outside on the road sides..They sang songs, played music, laughed loudly.. of course there was typical Bavarian food along with free flowing booze.. The celebrations continued till the wee hours of the morning.

One such beautiful chalet..Notice the pretty window displays with flower boxes outside!!

I had a hard time choosing pictures for this post...Every nook and corner was adorned with some or other beautiful detail.. One such detail on one of the corner of the Chalet in the above picture.

Linking to ColorsDekor !!

1 comment:

  1. Lovely pics.. Ive never been to Germany.. on my list of places to visit for sure.. :)
    Thank you for linking into Colours Dekor last week.. :)


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