
Thursday, May 9, 2013

Work in progress: The patio

Hello friends .. How have you been? Did you miss me? I certainly missed you guys so much..I am working on my patio to enjoy the summer..But that's not the only reason its also because I want my son to have respect and love for nature..I make it a point to teach him about birds, trees , flowers etc..

So a week or two back I saw a pair of Bulbul visiting our empty terrace..The desire then awoke to create a bird friendly patio and greenery around the house.. I kept aside all my thoughts about what if we move again and the Dubai weather.. I started 'window shopping' the few big garden shops which are here. I decided to go for hardy plants which can take full sun and flower as well .

This is how the patio decoration is progressing...I have tried to reuse/recycle things that I already had as much as possible..

This is our old coffee table which I have used outdoors ..The chairs are in need of some cushions which will add a pop of color to the black set up.. Right now the big teacup with red and white flowers..

These blue birds are solar powered and they light up at night creating a lovely ambiance.. These can be found in Ikea ..they come in a set of 5 and with clips to attach to the pots or branches. Love them! 

A few more in yellow..some candles ..

I have recycled my son's bathtub which I used when he was a newborn as a bird bath.. The pebbles/stones are from all the countries I have lived in :) Crazy collection I have!! Everyday I add flowers fallen from my plants to float in the tub.. and also change the water and clean the stones to keep away the moss..

I re potted some flower trays ,,,Found a old table which came in handy..

My little fairy has travelled with me everywhere and has survived ..she does need some repainting but I just love her ..some tea light holders find place here and there for now..

A lot of ideas are yet to put in place ..lot of rearrangement as well but I have started seeing visitors already ..Bulbuls (couples and singles), house sparrows, mynahs, purple sunbirds and some larger birds like doves.  I am loving it!!

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  1. its looking soo nice poorniii.. loved it.. you are soo creative and making everything available in home to decorate.. that's a really nice one.. i need your help in my blogging too.. need your comments and encouragements.. my blog is
    (please remove the word verification, its being difficult at times)

  2. Hi Purnima, Looks like you are a globe trotter. Paayaala bhingri ka kai mhantat tasa aahe.

    As you may or may not remember I used to read your blog when you wrote from zurich. And I was so mesmerized by the beauty and the nature you could enjoy everyday. I live in a suburb in dallas and before that we were in Dubai. So aagitun fufatyat ashi paristhiti.

    How is Dubai now? Hot? do you miss Switzerland?
    Take care,

  3. Such a warm & cozy patio you've created here... :) ... Loved those blue & yellow solar birds. Must've got some crazy yet unique and creative ideas...!! Waiting to see your fully "done up" patio...:)...

  4. Thanks ladies!!!

    @ Vinita: yes I do remember..How are you doing? Every place has some things good and some bad.. and same with Dubai..I am starting to like this place..Hope to see you here more often..Cheers!!!


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