
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Home sweet home..getting reading for diwali

Hello friends.. How are you? Have you started decorating the house for the festive season.. I have slowly started decorating..with a lot of caution as my 9 month old has started climbing and pulling things down..Lucky for me (for the decor sake) he is only interested in gadgets,cars, trucks and books.

So here is a corner in my living room which is the first to get decked up for Diwali..

 I believe that most of the things required to decorate the home for occasions and events are at home.. one just needs to find them and know how to use in the decorating or creating a pretty corner in the house..

Lamps, lanterns, earthen pots, hurricane lamps, tea light holders- bring all of them out!!!
Glass bottles , mason jars, old wine or drinking glasses.. its that time of the year to collect them!! urlis, Indian traditional style brass and earthen diyas , silver ware and brass ware all need to get polished..These all will be needed to light up and decorate the spaces in the house..

Have you guys started making the Diwali sweets yet..I better run as I have a long list of tasks to be done yet.. See you soon!!


  1. love those green views from your window~!


  2. Haven't really started on anything! But have shopped around for tea light holders! You have a beautiful home!

  3. Found you while searching for Diwali decoration ideas....and after spending close to an hour reading your blog posts had to follow you :)
    Whenever you have few minutes to spare come visit

  4. Love your blog! I'm you newest follower! The decorations look wonderful.


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