
Friday, October 5, 2012

Floral arrangements for tabletops

Hello lovely friends!! There are so many new things that I want to share with you.. I have been working on so many new paintings..reorganized and redecorated the entire house..still working on making the shop operational.. traveled to some beautiful places in Hong Kong plus the baby has started sleeping all night long which means he takes small naps during daytime which means lesser 'Me- time' for me!! I honestly don't know which topic to post first..phew!!!

Flowers ..How about flower arrangement/ flower decor..just for eye candy!! Sharing with you today floral arrangement from our apartment.. These pretty arrangements in the lounge..This one is in a tall 4 feet vase..

 These two vase on a table are really good for eye candy..I like how the stems are kept hidden in the clear glass with palm leaves ..

This flower box as a centerpiece really helps prep up the space...Did you notice the the hint of green in the purple flower box.. 

Are these artichokes with stems?!!! Always thought artichokes look lovely...But never thought artichokes could form a table centerpiece...Great idea!!

Hope you all have a great weekend!!!!


  1. Wow.... these are prettyy... cant wait to see your new paintings.. :)

  2. very nice purnima! lovely post!!!!!!!!


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