
Monday, September 10, 2012

New painting: The Horse with flowers

Have you ever been inspired by pinterest. In recent days I have totally gone nuts over pinterest. The reason why I am not blogging so often..I have been pinning!!!The other day I saw a pin of a beautiful photograph by Dave wright of a Icelandic horse on run. I was so inspired and instantly decided to sketch it.. since the baby was sleeping I went ahead and started painting it.. 

                                                                                                                            Source: via Lucchese on Pinterest

I have painted in it in two styles.. I enjoyed doing both the styles..In traditional ( I mean water, paint and brush:))style , I have painted it with watercolors, acrylics and porcelain colors.. I finished this on in two days when the baby slept..

In the other style I had scanned the sketch and then painted it digitally..It was more fun as I could do it while my baby was awake and playing.. I painted while singing nursery rhythms to him..In traditional style with paints I can never paint when he is awake as I am afraid that he might put colors in his mouth..

I need your valuable feedback.. so please tell me which style do you like more? 

Have a nice week ahead!!!!


  1. Awesome.. u have done a great job. Capturing the moment of inspiration is difficult but to bring it to life in another form of art is even more difficult..:))

    Kudos Dear..:))


  2. Beautiful work, Purnima !! Love the digital one... Love the way the expression n the eyes is captured.. and the coloring looks smooth... !! you have done a great job in the watercolor one too...

  3. Awesome work Purnima...I loved the first painting traditional one... you are so talented....

  4. The digital painting is good. Actually both are good. Btw, do you paint for hobby or wish to sell your paintings too?

  5. Great work Purnima. Lil flower on side looks cute!!

  6. Thanks friends for the valuable feedback!! You all are so sweet!!


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