
Thursday, September 12, 2013

Blog discovery: Mumbai magic

There are many days when I really dearly miss being home. Ganesh chaturthi is one such festival when I feel more nostalgic than ever. In Maharashtra , the celebrations are opulentcolorful ,elaborate and grand. Ganesh chaturthi  is a celebration for the elephant god who is most beloved of all Hindu gods.
During one such nostalgic moment I came across a wonderful fresh blog which is aptly known as Mumbai Magic. 

Kettle from pappu ki chai ki Tapari

If  the name 'Mumbai' reminds you of crowded trains, traffic jams and busy city, you defeintely need to visit this blog. It truly stands for its name. It shows you the magical side,the beauty of the city and the culture. From fancy restaurants to the road side vendors, from fancy bakeries to biscuit-wala who came at the door with his big aluminium box. 

Mouth watering isn't it..Amda pav on the streets of Mumbai..

The blog written by three generations- Deepa, her mom and daughter. It took me on a stroll down the memory lane. The blog shows us  small tucked away shops, spice streets,  fruit and flower markets, universities and temples ..the hidden gems in the city!!

A wholesale flower market in Mumbai

No wonder this beautiful blog is on Nat Geo's Mumbai Destination Guide!
Mumbai magic also conducts tours of the city- customized tours which gives you an experience of shopping, sightseeing, dining and the culture of Mumbai.

They also have similar tours for other cities as well. I would really love to take one of these tours especially the Mumbai one when lil A is a little older to show him the beauty of Mumbai.

All images are courtesy : Mumbai Magic. and subject to copyright!

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